Zhongyuan Lyu
Posdoctoral Research Scientist
Columbia University, Data Science Institute
Email: zl3361 (AT) columbia (DOT) edu
[Google Scholar]
I am currently a posdoctoral research scientist in the Data Science Institute at Columbia University, mentored by Prof. Yuqi Gu and Prof. Kaizheng Wang. I received my Ph.D. degree in 2023 from the Department of Mathematics at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, advised by Prof. Dong Xia.
I am broadly interested in developing methods and theories for high-dimensional matrix / tensor data with latent structures.
Optimal Clustering of Discrete Mixtures: Binomial, Poisson, Block Models, and Multi-layer Networks
Zhongyuan Lyu, Ting Li and Dong Xia
arXiv preprint:2311.15598. [paper]
rMultiNet: An R Package For Multilayer Networks Analysis
Ting Li, Zhongyuan Lyu, Chenyu Ren, Dong Xia (\(\alpha\)-\(\beta\))
arXiv preprint:2302.04437. [paper][code]
Optimal Estimation and Computational Limit of Low-rank Gaussian Mixtures
Zhongyuan Lyu and Dong Xia
Annals of Statistics, 51(2), 646-667, 2023. [paper]
Latent Space Model for Higher-order Networks and Generalized Tensor Decomposition
Zhongyuan Lyu, Dong Xia and Yuan Zhang
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 32(4), 1320-1336, 2023. [paper]
Community Detection on Mixture Multi-layer Networks via Regularized Tensor Decomposition
Bing-Yi Jing, Ting Li, Zhongyuan Lyu, and Dong Xia (\(\alpha\)-\(\beta\))
Annals of Statistics, 49(6), 3181-3205, 2021. [paper]
2023 Ph.D. in Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
2019 M.S. in Applied Statistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2017 B.S. in Statistics, Fudan University